Friday, January 7, 2011

Make your Joomla / ISPConfig Site Go Faster.

Clean up your Joomla install act and see how much more performance you can get for free!

Commonly, sh404sef was used. It was really popular - and then they started asking for money. A lot of people disabled it and didn't uninstall it. The corpse of sh404sef can add up to 20% load time to your site, depending on the hardware and software eployed in your install. Go clean that beastie out now!

While you're at it, go through your install and remove all unused modules, plug-ins and other items. If it's not in use? Remove it!

At the end of giving your Joomla server a high-colonic, performance should measurably improve.

Make sure that you're just as cautious with ensuring the OS is up to date, and operating cleanly.

If you are not already running the latest version of your OS, and backing up daily or weekly, depending on how fast things change, then you're exposing yourself to unreasonable risk.

Clean up the OS. Latest security patches, latest app versions, purge all unused apps.

Back up to a different hard disk - not a different partition! And that's just as a bare minimum. Realistically, you should be backing up to a network managed RAID which is offloading to a remote server and dropping to a permanent optical media or similar.

Your new mean, lean and clean server will give you better Google page ranks, happier customers through improved UX and give you a lovely feeling of happiness for having helped someone else.

Questions? Ask away! We'll help.
